Thee Hand of God

We Are Prophetic, We Are Apostolic, We Are Thee Solution Hand of God

    SECTION A - Applicant Information
    First Name
    Last Name

    Contact #

    (DOB) Age
    Relationship Status

    Ministry Affiliation

    SECTION B - Academic Profile
    Secondary applicants must submit a copy of their most recent academic report. Tertiary applicants should submit a copy of their transcript and/ or acceptance letter from the respective institution.
    Name of Institution
    Grade (High School)
    Programme year (Tertiary)

    Area of Study
    Extra-curricular Activities

    SECTION C - Vital Documents
    List of Required Accompanying Documents
    Certified copy of birth certificate
    Certified copy of Marriage Certificate/ Deed Poll (If applicable)

    Certified copy of valid photo ID
    TRN/ SSN

    SECTION D - Applicant's Profile
    Household Constitution
    No. of persons in household
    No. of minors (persons below 18yrs.)
    No. of working adults

    Applicant's Employment Status:

    SECTION E - Justification of Need
    I. Secondary Applicants’ Justification Essay Guidelines Secondary applicants should write a 1000 word essay stating why they believe they should be awarded a scholarship. Include information about co-curricular and community involvement. The justification should include information that clearly shows financial need.

    II. Secondary Applicants’ Justification Essay Guidelines
    Tertiary applicants should write a 1500 word essay stating why they believe they should be awarded a scholarship. Include information about co-curricular and community involvement. The justification should include information that clearly shows financial need.
    (N.B. - Shortlisted applicants will be required to participate in an interview with the selection panel)




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