Worship Services
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Our Sunday Worship Services commence at XX:XX EST. Persons may arrive at least half an hour before the start of a service to allow adequate time to be
seated and settled. First time visitors are encouraged to arrive before start time to allow them to become acquainted with the facilities and be assisted by the
Ushers & Protocol Team to assure their comfort during the service.
A typical Sunday Service lasts for 4-4.5 hours
No, you do not have to be a member to attend our services. Visitors are welcome. International visitors are encouraged to contact us beforehand to
obtain information about any special International Visitors Programmes (IVPs) we might be hosting, and to get visa, accommodation and other information that might be beneficial in planning your trip. Information regarding our IVPs is available via the Contact Us Page on our website.
Services involve times of praise, corporate prayer and teaching. There are also times of personal ministry according to the leading of the Holy Spirit, where persons may experience miraculous healing and deliverance. Manifestations of the tangible presence of JESUS also occur and accompanying signs and wonders.
Church Culture & Doctrine, Beliefs/ Practices
While the Church does not enforce a strict dress code, we do encourage persons to attire modestly, when planning beforehand to attend service. However, persons who drop in for an unplanned visit will not be turned away. We are happy to be conduits of JESUS’ love, compassion and grace.
Our church is a non-denominational apostolic and prophetic ministry.
We regard Holy Communion as a sacred sacrament, which requires partakers to come with a sincere heart of repentance, believing that JESUS CHRIST did sacrifice His life on our behalf. Communion is therefore regarded as an act of memorial for JESUS’ sacrifice. Anyone who accepts this and comes to the sacrament with a heart and attitude of repentance for sins is welcome to partake.
We use various translations of the bible to help bring clarity to the Word of GOD. However, we are careful to check translations against the Canonized King James Version (KJV) and the original Hebrew and Greek language in which the text was originally written to ensure the integrity of the scriptures is not corrupted or compromised.
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Activities & Discipleship
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There is an active Children & Youth Ministry with a variety of evangelical and discipleship programmes, activities and resources to help children and youth learn more about JESUS and grow in their relationship with Him. There are also age-based small cell groups to which children and youth may connect under the stewardship of mature, responsible adult leaders/ teachers and mentors. Resources, programmes and activities are also accessible online for those located far away.
In addition to our cell groups, we have a range of programmes, conferences, training and ministry groups in which children, youth and adults may get involved to help them grow in their faith. Our nightly bible study is one key way that we help people to grow in their relationship with GOD. Bible Study is broadcast LIVE via video-conferencing. Those who are not able to join us on site are welcome to join us virtually. Growth opportunities are also provided through our outreach and mentorship programmes for which persons may volunteer. Expressions of
interest may be indicated by speaking with a leader or completing an “Expression of Interest” form via the Outreach Page on our website.
The Church has a total of 21 different Ministry Groups in which persons can get involved. Persons may indicate their interest in being a part of a Ministry Group by speaking to a leader or by completing and submitting a “Ministry Group
Sign-up Form” online via the Outreach Page on our website.
Membership & Getting Involved
We are a church of disciples, not members. We therefore focus on discipleship and encourage persons to actively participate in Bible Studies and Worship Services. We also strongly encourage persons to become a part of a cell group as well as to get involved in a ministry group, as these avenues provide tremendous opportunity for teaching, mentorship, discipleship and general character development.
There are several ways to get involved – by joining a cell group; by regularly attending and actively participating in our nightly Bible Studies; by becoming a part of a ministry group; by serving as a volunteer in any of our various Outreach activities; and by partnering with us financially through our RB Partnership programme or by giving to the Ministry.
While we are not a church of members, but of disciples, we encourage active participation in our various discipleship programmes to ensure sound grounding in the word and prayer, for those who wish to serve in the Ministry.
Persons may join a Ministry Group by completing and submitting a “Ministry Group Sign-up Form” electronically, via the Outreach Page on our website.
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Outreach Activities
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The church is involved in both evangelical and social outreach which covers a range of benevolent activities, academic support and personal & community development activities.
The Church’s outreach ministries include: Evangelical Programmes; Benevolence Ministry – soup kitchens, food banks, homeless shelters, clothing the needy; academic scholarships; youth mentorship programmes; and community development projects. The Ministry continues to actively seek new opportunities for outreach.
Yes, these include children & youth development programmes, ministry to the indigent and the elderly.
The Ministry offers a range of services including: counselling services, adult baptism, infant dedication (christening), marriage officiation, benevolent services, mentorship, prayer support, teaching/ preaching, among others. Details about the services we offer are provided on our Services Page. Persons wishing to access any of our services may complete & submit a “Service Request Form” online via our Services Page or contact us via email at
bookings@theehandofgodministriesinternational.com or
or via telephone. Our Contact Us
Page lists current telephone contact number(s).
RB Partnership
Persons desiring to become an RB Partner are given the option during the sign-up process to indicate a specific area towards which their contribution is to be directed. This information is automatically logged into the Ministry’s database and linked to the Treasury. Partners are also given the option to make general contributions, i.e. – not to specify any area to which funds may be deployed.
The Ministry uses the Authorize,net platform to process all online payments to the Ministry’s account. This ensures that no unauthorized or 3rd. Party agent can intercept transactions. Funds are credited directly to the Ministry’s account.
The IT protocol used to process payments also auto-generates an e-mail confirmation message to contributors when payments are made. Partners may request an invoice or statement via email to the Treasury.
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General Questions
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Our church is a dynamic blend of persons from various countries and regions, and includes a wide and varied age demographic – children, youth, young adults, mature adults, and the elderly. These persons hail from diverse geographic locales in North America, Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, including: the USA, Canada, UK, South Africa, Nigeria, Jamaica, among others. The leadership of
the church has roots in Jamaica and so the church also has a notable diasporic community. This varied mix of persons include professionals, artisans, skilled workers, labourers, entrepreneurs, and philanthropists.
Membership is in its embryonic stage and continues to grow. Our global pool of disciples is presently around 100 committed disciples, with an additional 250+ periodic visitors.
All financial gifts are deposited into the Church’s (local & international) accounts via its safe and secure online payment gateway – Authorize.net.
Financial gifts are used to support/ fund the Ministry’s outreach activities as well as to service the maintenance and operational costs of the Ministry such as utilities, equipment, programmes, and activities.
The Ministry is actively engaged in activities geared towards its growth and expansion and has a committed team of persons serving in specific areas for which growth and expansion is a primary focus. This includes Evangelism & Ministry Expansion, Investment & Assets Management, Fundraising & Special Projects, Building & Expansion.
How To Contact
Where do I go if I have questions? Whom do I contact if I want to know more?
Persons who are visiting on-site, may direct questions to any member of the PR or Protocol Teams as well as our Ushers who would be happy to direct you to the appropriate department and/ or individual to respond to your query.
Persons connecting online via our website for any of our Social Media platforms may contact us via email at info@theehandofgodminitriesinternational.com or via telephone. Our Contact Us Page lists current telephone contact number(s).