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The Children & Youth Section will contain FAQs that Children, Youth, Parents/ Caregivers are likely to ask about this ministry group, its activities and its teachings
The Hub for Kingdom Kids
Have you ever heard about JESUS? Do you want to know more about the Bible? Or maybe you are wondering what being a Christian is all about. Perhaps you just want a safe space where you can connect with other children your age. Well, if you are between the ages of 3 and 12 years old, you are welcome to join us for our weekly Children’s Church LIVESTREAM on Sundays from 10:30 AM – 12:30PM. Come for an exciting time of fun-filled games and activities as we explore the Bible together
Click Here for Children’s Church Live Stream.

Welcome to the JESUS’ Kingdom, a wonderful world of exciting stories and teachings from the Bible just for kids
Choose from our many fun and exciting read-along books. Let’s go exploring together with an animated Bible tale. Join the adventure on any of our special animated movies. And the best thing is – it’s ALL 22 23 ABOUT THE BIBLE!!!
Perhaps as you have been viewing our content, listening to the teachings and discussions, or participating in our programmes, you feel a tugging on your heart, you feel like you want to know this JESUS better, to have a relationship with Him. If that’s how you, it means JESUS is talking to you – inviting you to accept His gift of salvation – a way for you to be brought back into a relationship with the Heavenly Father by beginning a relationship with JESUS.
GOD loves you more than you could ever imagine. He loves us so much that He sent JESUS, His Son, to die for our sins. He did that just so we could once again be a part of His family. He wants nothing more than for you to be a part of His kingdom family. If you want to become a part of GOD’S family, you can give your heart to Him right now by saying the the prayer below. JESUS is waiting with His arms wide open and a heart full of love. Accept His invitation today.
LORD JESUS, I believe in you. I believe that you are real. I believe that you came to die in my place, to pay the price for my sins so that I could have a relationship with the Heavenly Father. I confess that I have sinned and that I need you to save me. Please forgive me of my sins for the salvation of my soul. Please takeaway everything in me that does not glorify you. Join me to the Heavenly Father. I give you my heart and I welcome you into mine. Be my Saviour, my Lord and my King, JESUS. Because you have come into my heart LORD JESUS, Your new life now fills me and sin no longer has power over me. I am a new person. The old me is dead. I am a child of GOD. Rule in my heart, my thoughts, and my life. I am yours forevermore. By the power of Your HOLY SPIRIT, I will live to please You Heavenly Father, in JESUS’ name I pray, AMEN.

*New Believers’ Information Form*
If you just prayed the prayer above, you are now a part of GOD's family. Welcome!!
We want to help you learn more about JESUS and how to get closer to Him. CLICK HERE to complete the New Believers’ form and someone from our Ministry will contact you.

Go on adventure, start a quest, and build your bible knowledge as you explore. Try our exciting games and trivia.

Enter a world of wonder and adventure. Meet JESUS, the GOD of the Bible. Explore how the stories in the Bible are important for children just like you, even today

Welcome to the CHILDREN’S CIRCLE where there is a place for every child. Meet other children your age. Make new friends. Enjoy exciting games and lively conversations as you learn about JESUS together in a fun and friendly environment, guided by a loving teacher.
About The Programme
Children’s Circle offers online Church School classes for children. The programme provides children with an opportunity to learn about JESUS and the Bible in a small group setting. Children are grouped by age under the guidance of a teacher who provides instruction and teaching on the scriptures, through a variety of interactive activities including: discussions, role play, music, dance, games, etc. Interested parents may contact us by completing the information form.

The Place for Youth
Did Jesus really walk the earth over 2000 years ago? Did He really rise from the dead? Does He really love me despite my quirks? Am I worthy of His love? How can I have a personal relationship with Him? If you’re longing for answers to these and other questions, we invite you to explore our KNOWING JESUS resources. Take your pick of our audio-visual teachings, messages & presentations about the Bible. Download one of our topic-based devotionals. Listen to songs from our Music Library. Take a look at our many other discipleship resources designed especially for youth.
Perhaps as you have been viewing our content, listening to the teachings and discussions, or participating in our programmes, you feel a tugging on your heart, you feel like you want to know this JESUS better, to have a relationship with Him. If that’s how you, it means JESUS is talking to you – inviting you to accept His gift of salvation – a way for you to be brought back into a relationship with the Heavenly Father by beginning a relationship with JESUS.
GOD loves you more than you could ever imagine. He loves us so much that He sent JESUS, His Son, to die for our sins. He did that just so we could once again be a part of His family. He wants nothing more than for you to be a part of His kingdom family. If you want to become a part of GOD’S family, you can give your heart to Him right now by saying the the prayer below. JESUS is waiting with His arms wide open and a heart full of love. Accept His invitation today.
LORD JESUS, I believe in you. I believe that you are real. I believe that you came to die in my place, to pay the price for my sins so that I could have a relationship with the Heavenly Father. I confess that I have sinned and that I need you to save me. Please forgive me of my sins for the salvation of my soul. Please takeaway everything in me that does not glorify you. Join me to the Heavenly Father. I give you my heart and I welcome you into mine. Be my Saviour, my Lord and my King, JESUS. Because you have come into my heart LORD JESUS, Your new life now fills me and sin no longer has power over me. I am a new person. The old me is dead. I am a child of GOD. Rule in my heart, my thoughts, and my life. I am yours forevermore. By the power of Your HOLY SPIRIT, I will live to please You Heavenly Father, in JESUS’ name I pray, AMEN

*New Believers’ Information Form*
If you just prayed the prayer above, you are now a part of GOD's family. Welcome!!
We want to help you learn more about JESUS and how to get closer to Him. CLICK HERE to complete the New Believers’ form and someone from our Ministry will contact you.

In this image-driven era, where popularity is based on likes and trends, the beckoning to life in the fast lane, grows increasingly louder.
How can youth stand against the many distractions of this time and live a set-apart life?
Tune in to our podcast or listen to recordings of youth-led, youth-focused discussions on the Bible. Hear youth just like you, share their experiences, challenges, insights, testimonials and practical advice on how to cultivate a relationship with JESUS and live by biblical principles in everyday life. Participate in our online Discussion Forums. Share your questions, comments and feedback on topical issues relevant to Christian youth. View recorded footage of youth in active ministry.
Become a part of a movement devoted to spreading the light of JESUS to a broken, sad and lost world. Come join us in THE QUEST for a life of true meaning and lasting impact.
THE QUEST: Living the kingdom life… pursuing a higher call.

Tired of standing on the outside looking in? Want to be more than a mere fan? Have a desire to be a part of something great? Then this is your invitation to DIVE IN!
Register for an upcoming conference. Attend a youth meeting. Participate in a discussion forum. Join other youth in action and become an influencer for JESUS CHRIST’s kingdom.

Despite living in an age of high connectivity and social media, many youth battle with the crushing weight of feeling terribly alone. There is an intense longing for a sense of community and a place of belonging. Whether you’re a young socialite on the fringes of true connection or someone who desires a community of Christian youth where you can be nurtured in your faith, YOUTH CONNECT welcomes you.
Youth Connect is our online small group, church school for youth ages 13 -19 years. Come be a part of a warm, loving and supportive environment, where you can learn more about JESUS and strengthen your faith.
About The Programme
Youth Connect provides an opportunity for youth to learn biblical principles while connecting with peers. Classes are organized by age. Each small group has two dedicated teacher-mentors who lead youth into open, frank and practical discussions about the Bible. Youth are engaged in a variety of exciting faith-building activities to help them grow in their relationship with JESUS CHRIST.